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Armored Warfare on Xbox One?
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TEMA: Armored Warfare on Xbox One?
Armored Warfare on Xbox One? hace 6 Años, 11 Meses Karma: 0

I gotta say, I started playing this game about 2 years ago after I saw Jingles play in his Challenger and I thought "Wow, that looks great." So I started playing and I fell in love with the modern tank gameplay. However, I would love to see this on the Xbox One. I think a lot of other players would play on the One. Not only that, you might even attract people who only play World of Tanks on the One and don't have or don't want a PC to play AW.

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Re: Armored Warfare on Xbox One? hace 6 Años, 2 Meses Karma: 1
Hace poco he probado a jugar en Xbox One al World of Tanks. Debo decir que esperaba peor de lo que salió. Está bastante bien, claro, es un poco diferente de PC pero me ha gustado.
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